What Is Drop Shipping?
When a seller sells the products on various platform and the product is shipped directly by the supplier without the seller coming in direct contact with physical product, this process is known as Dropshipping and the seller is called Dropshipper.

What Are The Benefits of Drop shipping?
Remarkably low start cost
Lower seller cost, bigger seller profits
Minimal time to set up your business
No physical inventory hassles, shipping hassles, or packaging hassles
Broad product range
Explore new products lines

How Does Drop Shipping Works?
The Dropshipper posts/lists the products in their store which may be in a marketplace or their own website.
Customer will place the order and pay them the amount asked by the Dropshipper.
Dropshipper/Store Seller will place the order/buy from the suppliers who then ship directly to customers.
This reduces inventory costs and lets store seller focus on marketing and customer service, while suppliers manage logistics and product management.

The Approach

1. Find and list products to your online store
2. Customers purchase products from your store
3. Orders are placed with Dropshipnow
4. Dropshipnow ships directly to your customers
5. You keep the profits from the retail prices